So I decided to make my own spray. In our herb garden, there are some herbs that have become overgrown: tarragon, oregano, bolting cilantro, flowering thyme, and rosemary. I cut off enough to fill a blender and blended the herbs and simmered them in water, strained it through a mesh strainer to extract compostable matter, then strained it again through cloth so as not to clog the spray gun with small particles (this step is totally necessary). Then I put in some simple dish and hand soap (the "natural" kind, whatever that means), poured it into a spray bottle and shook it up.

I wish you the best of luck with your anti-aphid spray, Pete. But confess that I am skeptical that anything besides good ol' fashioned toxins will work on those teeny tiny banes of a gourdener's existence.
sometimes (like in the case of lice, right, bora?) chemical warfare is just handy. (o:
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