Sunday, August 3, 2008

Gourden Expansion: Canopy Installation (originally posted 7/1/08)

My Gourden started out kinda like this:

Today it looked like this:
It is becoming overgrown. So I used 50 feet of wire, 8 eye bolts, 2 "S" hooks, and two 5/32" aluminum ferrules to make a canopy than extends from the fence above the gourden's trellis backing to make a simple sawtooth-patterned canopy with 7 six-foot lengths of wire connecting to the exterior wall of my garage.
And now it looks like this:
After I installed the canopy, which only to about 30 minutes or so, I spent some time training the vines, which is very satisfying work. And here is my biggest gourd, an apple-sized birdhouse gourd, I think:

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