Monday, May 25, 2009

Return to the Secret Gourden

Here is a picture of one of the first sprouts at my undisclosed site (aka Guerrilla Gourden, Secret Gourden). I was watering on Friday and noticed the sprout, so I came back yesterday with a camera and there were 4 more!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

GuerillaCulture Cont.

Went to the site again yesterday morning. Made the Guerilla site twice as long. Would expect there to be 40-60 seeds in the ground.

Plan to plant my legit Gourden this weekend.

Also, the heirloom pumpkins and ornamental gourds that I buried last year are starting to sprout.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I planted my first Guerilla Gourden today. I'm like Johnny Appleseed, except with gourds. Also, Johnny didn't sneak back in and eat all the apples.

Basically here's the situation: In trying to cure and prepare my gourds from last year for crafting, there has been a large number of casualties, blemished gourds, gourds which have become waterlogged in the washing process and broken, gourds which are too thin, etc. With this margin of error I need a larger harvest next year.

To prepare for the large planting I went to the Ecology Center and enrolled in the Seed Exchange program. I submitted some of my best seeds from last year and "checked out" a ton of gourd seeds that were unmarked or said "Mixed Gourd" and some that were bushel gourd seeds. I also cleaned out other varieties from last year's harvest and collected their seeds, plus I purchased a small amount.

For a while I told friends that I was going to plant a Guerilla Gourden in the vacant lot across the street from my house, but for a number of reasons, Lil and I planted wild flowers instead. Rather, I scouted out the perfect location for my Guerilla Gourden, stuffed my left shirt pocket full of mixed seeds, put a screwdriver (for quick digging) in my back pocket, and filled a catfood container (usually used for ladeling out grey water) and headed for my undisclosed location.

Mission accomplished. 20-30 seeds planted and watered-in along a cyclone fence. Might return and continue along the fence tomorrow.