Monday, October 5, 2009

Guerilla Gourden Report

Bumper crop at the Guerilla Gourden!
Totally pest free, probably due to the severe herbicides they spray on the tracks (spoiler).
Arready harvested 4 that will make nice shekeres.

Legit Gourden Report

Yeah, it's almost harvest time and
you see that one gourd hanging down there?
That's about it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Doubled Guerrilla Gourden

As I am processing/cleaning my cured gourds from 08, I've come into way more seeds, so I doubled the length of my guerrilla gourden yesterday or the day before.

(When I went by this morning to water it, a Police was parked in the empty lot in front of where my guerrilla gourden is. Meh!)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Legit Gourden

My illegal gourden is flourishing, will update with pictures soon. But I just wanted folks to also see I still have my legit, honest gourden in my side yard and it's coming along beautifully.
2 Legit 2 Quit

Monday, May 25, 2009

Return to the Secret Gourden

Here is a picture of one of the first sprouts at my undisclosed site (aka Guerrilla Gourden, Secret Gourden). I was watering on Friday and noticed the sprout, so I came back yesterday with a camera and there were 4 more!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

GuerillaCulture Cont.

Went to the site again yesterday morning. Made the Guerilla site twice as long. Would expect there to be 40-60 seeds in the ground.

Plan to plant my legit Gourden this weekend.

Also, the heirloom pumpkins and ornamental gourds that I buried last year are starting to sprout.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I planted my first Guerilla Gourden today. I'm like Johnny Appleseed, except with gourds. Also, Johnny didn't sneak back in and eat all the apples.

Basically here's the situation: In trying to cure and prepare my gourds from last year for crafting, there has been a large number of casualties, blemished gourds, gourds which have become waterlogged in the washing process and broken, gourds which are too thin, etc. With this margin of error I need a larger harvest next year.

To prepare for the large planting I went to the Ecology Center and enrolled in the Seed Exchange program. I submitted some of my best seeds from last year and "checked out" a ton of gourd seeds that were unmarked or said "Mixed Gourd" and some that were bushel gourd seeds. I also cleaned out other varieties from last year's harvest and collected their seeds, plus I purchased a small amount.

For a while I told friends that I was going to plant a Guerilla Gourden in the vacant lot across the street from my house, but for a number of reasons, Lil and I planted wild flowers instead. Rather, I scouted out the perfect location for my Guerilla Gourden, stuffed my left shirt pocket full of mixed seeds, put a screwdriver (for quick digging) in my back pocket, and filled a catfood container (usually used for ladeling out grey water) and headed for my undisclosed location.

Mission accomplished. 20-30 seeds planted and watered-in along a cyclone fence. Might return and continue along the fence tomorrow.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

First Rattle!

Starting my first rattle. I cut off the stem and drilled a hole where it was.

Shook out the seeds and cataloged them. Probably will keep some to plant and use some to trade at the Ecology Center seed exchange program and get some veggie seeds for our garden.
I refilled the gourd with beans, but the sound is muffled and wooden. I will probably try pea gravel instead, soon.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Craft Bowl

While my gourds cure, I am testing out some crafting techniques on my cracked gourds. This is my craft bowl that I craft over while watching TV at night. The bowl holds my materials and tools and catches any mess that might fall.
So far, I cut out and sanded some jewelery pieces for a bracelet. I'm going to stain them, seal them, drill holes in them, and braid them with hemp rope and some glass beads I got on Kauai. Here they are:

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cleaned and Cured!

These are my first two cured and cleaned gourds!
Jill made a centerpiece out of them.The smaller one will probably be a rattle:
Drill a whole where the stem is, get all the seeds out, fill it with beans or beads, epoxy the hole.
The bigger one will probably be a shekere.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Waiting for a Cure

I haven't posted in a while because honestly, there hasn't been m uch to report until now. My gourds have been curing in the well-vented attic above my garage. Some are curing faster than others the fuzzy mold on the gourds in the foreground is a good thing and means those ones are almost done.